In the fleeting beauty of cherry blossoms, I find solace and reflection. Their delicate petals, painted in hues of pink and white, whisper tales of splendor, reminding me of life’s transient nature. How I adore cherry blossoms. Like the cherry blossoms, I’ve witnessed the passage of time, allowing countless opportunities to slip through my grasp….
Not Azure, Magenta, and Amethyst
The stories once brimming with excitement now lay dormant between us, overshadowed by the silence of our growing disconnect. It’s a strange sensation, navigating the bittersweet terrain of a relationship outgrown. Fond memories flicker like distant stars in the night sky, illuminating the path we once walked together. Yet, as we traverse the present, our…
You’ll fall in love with every person you date, until you meet the right one… and you fall into life.
Sunday Night Blues
Under the weight of numbed fingers I lay, unconvincingly asleep, as the world peers through my bedroom window. I look up through shadow-filled lashes. The pseudo-heroes, the deceived children, the tormented matchbox lovers who got caught in the undertow of life. My mind wanders and words leak out of my skull, seeping like black tar;…
Old Ghosts
Sometimes, I think of all the people I’ve lost or grew apart from and wonder what they would think if they saw me or knew me now, given how much time has passed and how much things have changed. Would we still be friends? Would we argue over the same things? Would we be kinder,…
Fickle Friend
Sorry is a word that means nothing anymore, like a Frisbee being tossed around on a summer day. It’s just another word that has entered into disuse. We are living in a world where some things hold little to no value. People are outright liars. Friends are outright liars. Camaraderie is too fickle a thing…
A Feeble Attempt
It’s strange how you think you can capture your feelings for someone in a few words and when you go do just that, you discover that the said feeling is ever expanding, beyond your reach, like a galaxy. And every attempt at expressing it is powerless.
The one who never was
Dreaming of you has become my worst fear. Because I shouldn’t be. I do not wish to be with you. I do not even think of you. We had our chance, we blew it. I don’t even consider that as something real now. There were times in the past when I was concerned about you…
Thoughts on Valentine’s Day
We were wandering through the mall just last week, and I took notice of all the sad attempts to attract more business from a day that, in my opinion, is over-hyped: Valentine’s Day. The problem with Valentine’s Day is that it’s created a notion that materialism is associated with love. Don’t get me wrong. I’m…