I have been trying to give this site a fresh, new look these past few days as you can see from this pink and gold thing I have going on. You know that with every major change I do, I also update my pages. Today, I got stuck on my About pages… again. By stuck I don’t mean I don’t have anything else to say about myself, but rather I don’t know how much to tell. This has always plagued me. I wanted to keep it short. I really did. I wanted to be somehow discerning about what I spill online, especially since they can be read by virtually everyone, most of whom I barely even know in real life. But words are my thing, and I find it hard to keep the thoughts from pouring out sometimes.
But the galaxy I speak, is just one of the one hundred billion galaxies in the universe that is me.
So despite knowing so much, there’s still so much more you don’t and you never will. I just thought you ought to know that.
Cristina Cocioaba says
I like how the website turned out. It’s fresh and pink but not too pink. You did an amazing job.
I always find it hard to write about pages. I still haven’t written mine, because I still can’t decide what to write about me. Maybe in the future when I will make up my mind. Also I try to keep my website a secret from everyone in my real life. Sometimes I tend to pour my soul into blogs and I don’t want people I know to read about it. I don’t know why. I just makes me uncomfortable.