In the fleeting beauty of cherry blossoms, I find solace and reflection. Their delicate petals, painted in hues of pink and white, whisper tales of splendor, reminding me of life’s transient nature. How I adore cherry blossoms. Like the cherry blossoms, I’ve witnessed the passage of time, allowing countless opportunities to slip through my grasp….
Not Azure, Magenta, and Amethyst
The stories once brimming with excitement now lay dormant between us, overshadowed by the silence of our growing disconnect. It’s a strange sensation, navigating the bittersweet terrain of a relationship outgrown. Fond memories flicker like distant stars in the night sky, illuminating the path we once walked together. Yet, as we traverse the present, our…
She reminds you of the wishes
It’s not so much that she wants to run away. She just wishes she could feel better — no, she could be better — in a place which isn’t here. Wherever here is. It’s always the wrong place anyway. She’s afraid of the sky. And when you ask her why, she’d always say “it just…
Cold Words
I shudder when you speak; Your words are cold when they touch me
My Mind is a Universe
I have been trying to give this site a fresh, new look these past few days as you can see from this pink and gold thing I have going on. You know that with every major change I do, I also update my pages. Today, I got stuck on my About pages… again. By stuck…
Not Just Construction Workers
I think I could probably write a book of all the weird things men do or love that make absolutely zero sense to me – farting under the covers, the attraction to girl-on-girl action, and naming body parts (just to name a few). But what has continued to blow my mind more than anything over…
“She is free in her wildness, she is a wanderess, a drop of free water. She knows nothing of borders and cares nothing for rules or customs. ‘Time’ for her isn’t something to fight against. Her life flows clean, with passion, like fresh water.” ~Roman Payne Happy International Women’s Day
You’ll fall in love with every person you date, until you meet the right one… and you fall into life.
My Life Minus the Typographical Errors
Words, by far, are what I consider the best weapon I have against the fiendish villains of real life. There are several reasons why I blog. First, life has what I like to call “dead air”. Sometimes, we have nothing to do but sit on a couch and wait ’til our backs ache — we…